
@jeremycherfas I have to tell you that while driving home a few nights ago, my wife and I listened to and thoroughly enjoyed your chat with Rachel Roddy. Her A-Z of Pasta is on our kitchen shelves since Christmas.

@odd nope we don't have nuclear. We have quite a lot of wind and big plans for more offshore, but the wind has been quiet so far this Winter. If we could figure out how to use tides to generate power cheaply, it would be a game changer.

@odd its really having a big impact on people and companies. I've just this morning realised costs are doubling for our family business. For much of Europe, gas supplies and geopolitics are having a big impact and you have to look to the East to figure out whats going on. Here in Ireland, I think gas generates about 40% of our electricity supply. We're moving to renewables but not agressively enough.

@adders sea swimming has become enormously popular here in the last year. My wife was in the sea this morning at 9:30 with a local group. They love the craic they have together. I am not tempted🥶